Do you really own your business?

I often wonder about individuals who say they are business owners without fully understanding what that means. I suspect they are actually working in the business and not working on the business. I believe the goal of owning a business is to give you the freedom to live your life to the fullest. Time away from debilitating schedules and numerous meetings that control how you spend your day should be your holy grail.

If you are spending more hours than your employees working in the business, you are operating the business. If your life is based on the activities and events surrounding the business, you are operating the business. Owners should be leaders and leaders inspire, influence, motivate, and guide others to handle a variety of tasks. Leaders should have a clear vision of the mission of the business and can articulate that vision to the individuals assigned to handle the tasks that keep the business running.

Don’t operate your business, change your mindset to working on the business. It will lead you to owning the business. Find the way to remove yourself from day to day activities and delegate that task of handling the total operations of the business. Once you are truly owning your business, you find you have what all business owners should want…Discretionary Time !