Achievers know their Power Surge Points !

I am a morning person. Been that way since I was a child. I sleep deeply so when I open my eyes, all kind of thoughts start to flow in my brain. I don’t jump up, but I begin to bask in the moment of waking up on this planet. I think about who I met yesterday, the conversations I had and the anticipation of the day I am about to start. Most days its exhilarating! I love coffee! not because of the caffeine. I simply love the taste. I can drink coffee at night and be sleep 20 minutes later. I love the mornings! This is the time of the day I call my Power Surge point! Achievers love their Power Surge points.

My wife is a night owl, she comes alive as evening moves into night. In the wee hours of the morning, she can be found looking at documentaries, answering emails, preparing proposals, rearranging furniture, repotting plants, you name it. Her Power Surge point kicks off late in the evening. We all have Power Surges, most people just think some days are better than others and they say to themselves “I do my best work…” When you find and focus on your Power Surge point, Things start to happen more to your advantage. You become more productive. You read more, you begin to sync with your inner voice. You become a better you! You become a better achiever.