Being Relentless has its Advantages.

The line of a very popular restaurant was weaving out the front door and down the street. Few thought this day would come. The restaurant was reopening in a new building with a new floor plan and more space.

I walked up to the front door smiling. I knew of the tremendous obstacles that stood in the way of this family-owned business. I had doubts on the possibility of it ever reopening. The owners knew better. They were not deterred in their efforts to keep their iconic, soul-food gem afloat. They are Achievers. Through the pandemic, they persevered against predatory lenders, landlords, and legal struggles.

Credit to Mitchell Hollander

This family operating on a shoe-string budget, struggled through the summers with a broken AC system, broke free from leases that lacked fairness, and weathered those who took advantage of the business. They continued to press forward and once again Achieved their mission of serving the community! When city government did not work in their favor, they Achieved. They raised over $100,000 dollars to relocate and create a more modern design while continuing to service their customers via take-out and delivery.

What I am saying to you is this. Achievers are resilient. Achievers don’t quit. Achievers see obstacles as opportunities. Be an Achiever and build the community you want around you. Predators consume everything! However, Achievers are smart about what they consume and why. Building a legacy is not easy, but Achievers are Achievers because they choose to take the road less traveled. Be Adventurous! Be Adamant! Be Ambitious! Be an Achiever!