I remember when I was in college. I would eat a half-gallon of “vanilla and chocolate” ice cream, and thought I had hit the motherlode. Man, that was so satisfying to me. I would rationalize that eating ice cream in the morning would balance itself out as I burned energy throughout the day by moving around. I struggled to keep ice cream in my apartment back then because I would constantly find a reason to eat it. It was comforting to me. At that time, “cookies and cream” flavored ice cream was as much a staple in my diet as chicken and rice.
We all have something that brings us comfort. Like hot soup on a cold winter’s night. For some women, its shoes. Lots of shoes and for men, it could be cigars, cars and sports. These moments of comfort we gravitate to are usually from simple things. Comfort should be a part of our work/life balance and if you are not finding comfort at some point during your workweek, then adjustments are in order.

Taking a moment out of you busy schedule to enjoy some of the simple things in life should be a part of your everyday living. You just have to find the balance to make it worthwhile. Now that I have gotten older, those days of eating a half-gallon of ice cream at a sitting are long gone. I still love ice cream and to be honest, I have moved on to gelato because it works better around my waistline. Find something enjoyable and indulge. Did I mention that I have no problem eating Cheerios for dinner?